Tutoriály/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Alma WiKi
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(Založena nová stránka s textem „==MEDLINE Complete== MEDLINE Complete [https://youtu.be/WJoz6z62S2A webinar record] for CU. (Only in the Czech language.) <br> Média:Prezentace MEDLINE…“)
(Není zobrazeno 10 mezilehlých verzí od 2 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 6: Řádek 6:
[[Media:AMBOSS.pdf| In this file]] you can find useful links for the AMBOSS database.  
[[Media:AMBOSS.pdf| In this file]] you can find useful links for the AMBOSS database. <br>
AMBOSS training for medical students took place recently. A recording of this webinar can be found [https://amboss.zoom.us/rec/play/vrvrF9Yhpnjpui68mb3VE-uf3SoQb3SadEDCOrohrDuEIV7Rkcvi7q_OSzwNFdsh97qoLiLaW-1kIsA.fecU-HIfoMhqCSDQ?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&continueMode=true&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Famboss.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2F2dLRThRS0A3DUI2l6P0yx8uDIe5WtlQDkL3oAQLWpCCLE9FRCRXF_dfEXCdSwBLM.koBAvwOk3-3I1xyC here].
==Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)==
A video guide to the EBMR database can be found [https://www.brainshark.com/1/player/wkovid?pi=zIIzdGOMiz2tkwz0&cmpi=Brainshark:EBMR&r3f1=&fb=0| at this link]. Basic information about the database can also be found [[Media:Factsheet-evidence-based-medicine-reviews-ebmr.pdf| in this pdf file.]]
Follow [https://www.amboss.com/int/campus-access/czechelib these instructions] to activate the Amboss license.  
The database is available on the Ovid platform. A brief guide to the Ovid platform can be found [[Média:178-178-ovid-qrg-cz-pages.pdf| here]]. The document is available only in Czech language.  
==MEDLINE Complete==
==MEDLINE Complete==
Řádek 17: Řádek 15:
[[Média:Prezentace MEDLINE pro Univerzitu Karlovu.pdf| Presentation]] for the MEDLINE Complete for CU webinar. (Only in the Czech language.)  
[[Média:Prezentace MEDLINE pro Univerzitu Karlovu.pdf| Presentation]] for the MEDLINE Complete for CU webinar. (Only in the Czech language.)  
A brief guide to using the Ovid platform can be found [[Media:OvidQRC.pdf| here]]. <br>
You can watch the Ovid medical database crash course on YouTube. Only in Czech. Link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvKRCoH5Tlw here]. <br>
On [https://tools.ovid.com/ovidtools/videos.html this link] you can find short tutorials, which will introduce you to each function. <br>
A number of other useful materials and information related to Ovid databases can be found at the addresses below:
* https://www.infozdroje.cz/pomucky.php?produkt=14 (only in Czech)
* https://tools.ovid.com/ovidtools/
* https://wkhlrp.my.site.com/ovidsupport/s/
===Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)===
One of the databases available on the Ovid platform is the EBMR. A video guide to the EBMR database can be found at [https://www.brainshark.com/1/player/wkovid?pi=zIIzdGOMiz2tkwz0&cmpi=Brainshark:EBMR&r3f1=&fb=0%7C this link]. Basic information about the database can also be found [[Media:Factsheet-evidence-based-medicine-reviews-ebmr.pdf| in this pdf file.]]
Instructions on how to log in to the SciFinder database can be found [[Media:SciFinder navod.pdf|here]].
Instructions on how to log in to the SciFinder database can be find [[Media:SciFinder navod.pdf|here]]. <br>
Online resources, including training videos and walkthroughs can be find on [https://www.cas.org/training/solution/cas-scifinder this link]. Recorded webinars, where CAS experts cover a range of topics can be find [https://www.cas.org/cas-webinars here].
Řádek 28: Řádek 39:
Record of a webinar on how to use Writefull [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hosUsHAGaOw on YouTube].
You can find the Launch pack for all Writefull products [https://www.aip.cz/podpora/nastroje/2530-writefull-launch-pack-for-institutions/ here]. <br>
The Launch pack for Writtefull for Word can be found [https://www.aip.cz/podpora/nastroje/2529-writefull-for-word-launch-pack/ on this link]. <br>
Record of a webinar on how to use Writefull [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hosUsHAGaOw on YouTube].<br>
You can find more videos and webinars [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoq2AxIOwaUNLGgiGG99qyQpMRODwh_Ie here]. Some are only in Czech, and some are in English.

Verze z 18. 7. 2024, 08:15

Jiné jazyky:
English • ‎čeština

On this page you can find tutorials, recommendations, tips and webinar recordings for each database.


In this file you can find useful links for the AMBOSS database.
AMBOSS training for medical students took place recently. A recording of this webinar can be found here.
Follow these instructions to activate the Amboss license.

MEDLINE Complete

MEDLINE Complete webinar record for CU. (Only in the Czech language.)
Presentation for the MEDLINE Complete for CU webinar. (Only in the Czech language.)


A brief guide to using the Ovid platform can be found here.
You can watch the Ovid medical database crash course on YouTube. Only in Czech. Link here.
On this link you can find short tutorials, which will introduce you to each function.
A number of other useful materials and information related to Ovid databases can be found at the addresses below:

Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)

One of the databases available on the Ovid platform is the EBMR. A video guide to the EBMR database can be found at this link. Basic information about the database can also be found in this pdf file.


Instructions on how to log in to the SciFinder database can be find here.
Online resources, including training videos and walkthroughs can be find on this link. Recorded webinars, where CAS experts cover a range of topics can be find here.


Basic information about the metrics in the SciVal database can be found at this link. Among other things, their strengths and weaknesses are written there.


Instructions on how to create a personal account in the Thieme database.


You can find the Launch pack for all Writefull products here.
The Launch pack for Writtefull for Word can be found on this link.
Record of a webinar on how to use Writefull on YouTube.
You can find more videos and webinars here. Some are only in Czech, and some are in English.