Translations:Vyhledávání v plném textu/4/en

Z Alma WiKi
Verze z 25. 8. 2023, 11:10, kterou vytvořil 80107774 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „In practice, this means that if the search phrase is only in the full text of the document itself (including tables and attachments) but not in the title o…“)
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In practice, this means that if the search phrase is only in the full text of the document itself (including tables and attachments) but not in the title or description of the record, you will still be able to find it. Documents where your phrase is only found in the full text and with less frequency have a lower priority in the list of results and can be found ususally at the bottom of the list.