Translations:Jak funguje v UKAŽ (obecně) vyhledávání?/11/en

Z Alma WiKi
Verze z 18. 7. 2024, 14:51, kterou vytvořil 66937990 (diskuse | příspěvky)
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In addition to the options of selecting a specific field in which you want to search (see the Search Filters' menu), you can specify in the advanced interface how/where the search term you entered should appear in the given field. The following options are available:

  1. Contains - searches for records where the term entered by you is in the selected field (doesn't matter if the field contains also any other word)
  2. Equals exact phrase - searches only those records where the term you entered in the selected field is exactly as you entered it (without other words, in the given order)
If you want to use Equals exact phrase to search for a book by title, you must enter the whole title and subtitle - if the book has it (for example, Printer's Error (title): An Irreverent History of Books(subtitle)). If you do not enter the full title, the book will not be found.
  1. Starts with (Titles only) - searches only those records for which the specified term is at the beginning of the string (Attention: it works only in combination with the field Title!)