Translations:LibKey zkušební přístup/21/en

Z Alma WiKi
Verze z 25. 2. 2025, 09:47, kterou vytvořil 66937990 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „=Additional Help= ==Common questions== '''Does LibKey Nomad work for every site/database/article?'''<br> No. LibKey Nomad uses an item's DOI to retrieve fu…“)
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Additional Help

Common questions

Does LibKey Nomad work for every site/database/article?
No. LibKey Nomad uses an item's DOI to retrieve full text options. It cannot retrieve items with no DOI. Additionally, LibKey Nomad is currently configured to work only with selected scholarly websites, and not on the web in general.