Translations:Čtení e-knih/5/en

Z Alma WiKi
Verze z 27. 2. 2025, 14:35, kterou vytvořil 66937990 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „==1U and 3U mode== '''The e-book is currently being used.'''' What does this mean for me? <br> Some titles are made available to only one (1U) or three con…“)
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1U and 3U mode

The e-book is currently being used.' What does this mean for me?
Some titles are made available to only one (1U) or three concurrent accessors (3U); availability information can be found either in the note in UKAŽ or in the selected e-book on the platform. Therefore, you may have to join a reservation queue (similar to printed books) or try to open the e-book later. You will not find a reservation system for all e-books that have been read, some platforms provide information until when the e-book is currently being used (when it will be freed for the next reader). Sometimes the e-book is available again within a few minutes, other times you have to wait for weeks (usual platform borrowing time x number of possible reservations).