I have trouble to log in

Z Alma WiKi
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I can't log in, what's wrong?

There may be several reasons why you cannot log in:

  • You don't know or you don't remember your university number and password - Try the login and instructions on the page Central authentication services UK (CAS) or contact support casadmin@cuni.cz.
  • Some of the services are down. You can contact us here.
  • Some resources are only available in some libraries—if you want to use them, you need to visit the library in person.
  • You are logging in to a resource that is not available to CU - Check if the resource you are logging into is available at CK. You can check it here.

I logged in remotely, but it's not working.

If you log in to an electronic resource using the Electronic Resource Portal (PEZ), you have two ways to log in to some databases (EZproxi and Shibboleth). In exceptional cases, one of the methods may fail, so please try the second one. Even if you get access to the source at the end, we'd appreciate if you would let us know about the broken method. You can contact us using this form.