Trials and webinars

Z Alma WiKi
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English • ‎čeština




In the near future, a webinar will be held on the topic of how to use the AMBOSS license as efficiently as possible. The webinar will be in Czech and English. You need to register for the webinar.
21.5. 19:00 (English) register here
23.5. 19:00 (Česky) registrace zde


Elsevier prepared webinars, which will be held from 3 to 7 June. These webinars are designed specifically for the needs of the Czech academic environment and based on our feedback. You need to register for the webinars. The length is usually around one hour and webinars will be recorded.

3.6. 9:30 CET Information Resources for Doing Research and More: Overview
register here
4.6. 10:30 CET Staying up-to-date in Your Field
register here
5.6. 9:30 CET Which Academic Journal Should I Publish in?
register here
6.6. 9:30 CET Research Assessment: Understanding Common Academic Metrics and Latest Trends
register here
7.6. 9:30 CET Elsevier Open Office
register here

More detailed information on the individual webinars can be found in this file.

Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline

Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline is the title of the webinar, which will be held in two sessions (morning and afternoon version) on Tuesday 14.5. and Wednesday 15.5. and it will be recorded.
The webinar will be in English and is free for students, teachers and librarians from the CU. The instructor will be Maurice Clementi. Registration is required for the webinar (see links below).

Name: Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline

Date: Tuesday 14 May 2024
Time: from 10:00 to 11:00
Registration on:

Date: Wednesday 15. May 2024
Time: from 14:00 to 15:00 hod
Registration on:

Past webinars