How do I find out if a particular e-journal is available at CU?

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This page is a translated version of the page Jak vyhledám, zda je na UK dostupný konkrétní e-časopis? and the translation is 100% complete.
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English • ‎čeština

In addition to other types of documents, UKAŽ also allows you to search for records of electronic journals.

How do I find out if a specific e-journal is available at CU?

To search for records of specific e-journals, we recommend using ISSN instead of the title.
  1. Open advanced search.
  2. In the search filter, choose the field in which you want to search (for example Name or ISSN) and enter the search term.
  3. In Document Type, limit the results to only Journals.
  4. Click on the button Search.

If the required e-journal is available at CU, UKAŽ should search for the record(s) for the given title, in which you can find more information about availability (in the section View Online). If the e-journal is not available at CU, UKAŽ doesn't find the journal record.

How does it look like in UKAŽ?

UKAZ E-journal eng.PNG

Availability information (View Online section)

In the case of e-journals, the record contains, among other things, a section View Online with information on which databases/platforms the title is available in, in what range (retrospective + embargo), and possibly whether access is somehow restricted (e.g., only to a certain faculty/component).

UKAZ E-journal2 - eng.PNG

Did you not find a record of an e-journal in UKAŽ that is subscribed by CU and should be available? Let us know!