UKAŽ coverage

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Information about coverage in UKAŽ, which can be found in full records of individual ER (whether on PEZ/en or in UKAŽ/en), indicates whether it's possible to find the contents of a given source (e.g., journals, articles, and books) within the standard search of the UKAŽ central search engine and to what extent. The extent and depth of coverage depend on the quality and completeness of the metadata that the owners of individual ER contribute to the Central Discovery Index of the ExLibris company (CDI).

In practice, the indicator Coverage in UKAŽ serves to inform ER users when it's sufficient to search in UKAŽ and when, on the other hand, it's necessary to enter the ER directly.

Coverage Levels

Resource is searchable in UKAŽ

More than 80% of the ER's content is available in UKAŽ, so the resource is considered covered.
A hypertext link in the text behind the icon (Pokryto / Covered) will search for all other resources with full coverage.

Resource is partially searchable in UKAŽ

Less than 80% of the ER's content in UKAŽ is available for searching, so the resource is considered partially covered.
A hypertext link in the text behind the icon (Částečně pokryto / Partially covered) will search for all other resources with full coverage.

Resource is not searchable in UKAŽ

ER is not searchable in UKAŽ; to find and use the content, one must enter the resource directly.
A hypertext link in the text behind the icon (Nepokryto / Not covered) will search for all other resources not covered.